Tuesday, 2 December 2008

BG Declined (3.e3 with 5.Bd2)

Carrying on in our Budapest Gambit Declined series, we will now examine another way White may choose to defend, namely by supporting the d pawn. This is a short blog, which is good because it show Black reaches equality or better in double-quick time!

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 and now White plays 3.e3

This move offers the initiative to Black and allows for Black to put pressure on the White, before he has chance to develop his pieces and castle. As with the 3.Bg5 alternative, this is achieved with the move


Where White's only has one sensible move (see the future pdf, underdevelopment, for reasons why), which invites Black's pressure move.

4.exd4 Bb4+

White has three options to block the check:

  • 5.Bd2 – choosing to both block and attack the Bishop pin.
  • 5.Nc3 – moving the Knight to it’s natural square, but leave the possibility of doubled pawns on the c-file.
  • 5.Nd2 – temporarily block the dark-squared Bishop.

In this blog we will quickly mention, 4.Bd2. In the next blog we will examine further 4.Nc3 and 4.Nd2, which are more complex.


Again Black exchanges the pieces (these are not lot tempos as the gained tempo is immediately lost by having to capture).


White can choose to take with either the Queen or Knight, but either way Black castles. After castling Black is looking to play Nc6, Re1, d6 or d5 and getting is Bishop active on the d7 or g4 squares. White's moves will be defending moves, whilst the White King looks for safety, whereas Black will develop quickly and be in the best position to attack first.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.