Sunday, 19 October 2008

BG Declined (3.Bg5 with 4.Nf3)

In the last blog we saw the Budapest Gambit get declined. White chose to pin the Knight on f6 with 3.Bg5, instead. Our best response is to take the d pawn, leaving the move order: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.Bg5 exd4

The move 4.Qxd4 is White's best in this position and has already been examined (in out last blog), but White may choose to play a developing move first. In this blog we will examine 4.Nf3.

4.Nf3 attacks the undefended Black Pawn at d4. The only way to defend this Pawn is by playing c5, which would restrict Black dark-squared Bishop and place Black behind in development. But White’s thinking is flawed, as there is an intermediate move which would allow the Bishop to develop with a tempo.

4...Bb4+ forcing 5.Nbd2 because 5.Bd2 Bxd2 6.Qxd2 c5 is strong enough for Black. Now we can play 5...c5 and exchange the bishop at a time of our choosing.

Black has restricted White's development and gained a pawn in the process.

In my study I often write down further analysis - possible continuations - that I don't usually include in this blog, but due to the short nature of this one I have this time!

Further Analysis

  • To develop unhindered White may have to choose to play 6.e3 and exchange his last remaining centre pawn, for Black’s doubled Pawn.
  • Another option for White is to play 6.a3, but after 6…Ba5 7.b4 cxb4 8.Nxd4 Nc6 and White has very little for his lost Pawn.

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